The Great Gatsby Website

By Southern "Old Sport" B. Adams

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A map of the East and West Egg. Just in case you've "have lost the old warm world, paid a high price for living too long with a single dream."

As one looks upon the map above, one may notice that the Valley of Ashes is not shown. That is because there's no reason to visit unless you're Tom Buchanan you're not, are you?

Some of you may be completely removed from the current era of terms and idioms. So I've created a list of phrases you might hear when visiting Gatsby or any other gents in the neighborhood.

The Phrases:

  • 1. Applesauce.
  • 2. Bee's Knees.
  • 3. Giggle water.
  • 4. Old Sport.
  • 5. Hard Boiled.

The Meaning:

  • 1. Nonsense.
  • 2. Amazing, big thing, great.
  • 3. Alcohol.
  • 4. A nickname Gatsby will call you. Especially, if you are Nick Carraway.
  • 5. Someone who is tough.

I must leave now "She vanished into her rich house, into her rich, full life, leaving Gatsby nothing."